CCTV Standard – PSA 12_2006 CCTV

This is the standard that covers the CCTV sector in the Republic of Ireland.   A copy of this standard is available free of charge from  Please refer to the section governing the Audit Process Flowchart where you will find a fully explained audit process procedure.

When you sign a contract with Stellar, we will inform the PSA that you one are one of our clients. Stellar’s fees for its auditing & certification service are competitive and we are flexible with payment methods. We can tailor a payment plan to suit your needs. Details are available on request. You then apply to the PSA for a temporary license that lasts for a 6 month period. This allows you to fit CCTV systems without fear of being prosecuted. The PSA charges for the first two years are, provided you are a new business, €1,000 and thereafter €1,250 per two year cycle up to and including a turnover of €300,000.  If you are an existing company the charges are €1,250 for each 2 year cycle up to and including a turnover of €300,000.  To get a list of charges for the PSA for turnovers exceeding €300,000, please refer to the PSA web site at   At  present all licences within the PSA suite of standards cover a two year cycle.

On completion of a fitted system you must give your client a certificate of compliance which states that the system has been fitted in accordance with the standard PSA 12_2006CCTV.  These are available on line and will cost you €1.50 each, plus VAT.

Your first 10 Commissioning Certificates are provided free of charge.

Stellar  will provide you with  suggested paperwork that may be of some help to you in preparing for your audit.  Any other queries please call us and a trained member of staff will guide you through the whole process from start to finish.

Within the life of your temporary licence (6 months) Stellar will do an audit which will comprise of a PSA:74 2019 audit covering your company’s management systems, including tax clearance, insurances, references, screening of individuals, I.D. cards, etc. We will then look at your paperwork concerning your clients for the CCTV systems and conduct the necessary site visits.

On completion and compliance to the standard Stellar will award your certificate of compliance and your full licence will be issued by the PSA.